Thursday, December 7, 2017

Republic's Fake Social Security News

Joanna Allhands of the Arizona Republic has a  "genius"  idea for reducing the federal budget deficit: cut Medicare and Social Security entitlements.   While Medicare is subsidized and does contribute to the federal deficit,  Social Security is a self-funded trust fund.  It is NOT now running a deficit and never has run a deficit.  Moreover,  Social Security has NEVER contributed to the federal deficit, and if the Social Security trust fund becomes eroded in the future: by law the contribution rates will have to be increased or the benefits cut.  As a matter of FACT,  the Social Security fund has been "RAIDED" to fund the the federal deficit, since the federal government borrows money from Social Security at below market rates to help pay its bills.   NONE OF THIS IS A SECRET.   THE GOVERNMENT PUBLISHES ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE STATUS OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND.

Is it too much to expect that the "geniuses" at the Republic do their homework before they blow their noses in public?