Extolling Germany's offer to take in Middle East asylum seekers (America's Shame, 9/11), Linda Valdez claims that "In the land of liberty [US], however, huddled masses from south of the border are not welcomed." This is an odd, abusive claim by someone named Valdez who holds a coveted job at the Arizona Republic. In fact her claim is very much at odds with reality. The US has the most generous immigration policy on the planet. There are 41,000,000 immigrants living in the US today. Half are from south of the border. Indeed, the US has the third largest Latino population of any country in the world. The US gives permanent residency visas to a million new immigrants each year. Tens of thousands more arrive each year without permanent visas (or visas of any kind) and live here unmolested once they navigate the border. If their children are born here, they are automatically US citizens, regardless of their parents immigration status. If they're poor, and most are, their children get free medical care. Regardless of where born, all the children from "south of the border" receive free education at public expense. What would make Ms. Valdez happy? That the US have no borders at all. Isn't the US pretty close to that anyway. Why is it that "progressives", who rejoice in the rule of law when county clerks are jailed for not handing out marriage license, are appalled when the rule of law is applied to US immigrants?
In the meantime three of the Republican candidates for US president come from Latino families. And my Arizona kids go to public school and church with immigrants from all over the world: Latin America, Somalia, China, Sudan, Cameroon, Eritrea, the Philippines. One's dad who went to Camelback High became a citizen last month. It shouldn't be a Shocker.

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