Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ed Montini 's Snotty Secession Column

Dear Ed,

You owe a lot of Arizonans a big apology for a remark you reprinted in you column today about Arizona already having seceded.

The Tea Party crowd and their equivalent on the "Progressive Left" can insult each other as much as they want. It's a free country, but you don't need to endorse it.

There are those among our "Progressive Left" who are are every bit as bigoted and rabidly dishonest, notably Jeff Biggers and your contributor, as Donald Trump and the Birthers. It's time people started acknowledging that fact about the "Progressive Left" instead of endorsing them, "aren't they cute." This morning you should be defending poor Helen Purcell: who's been viciously maligned by the "Progressive Left."

It's intellectual bankruptcy simply to denounce as unpatriotic anyone who disagrees with you. If someone was able to get enough signatures to put a secession proposition on the Arizona ballot, and that's highly doubtful, the "No" vote would be over 99%.

Speaking as someone who's served this great country thanks for spitting my in face on Sunday morning. Things haven't changed much for the "Progressive Left" since the Vietnam war.


They walked the rounds in on us
methodically adjusting the range
just like we'd been trained to do.
TANKS! Sweet Mary, Mother of God!
They have TANKS.
-- Battle for the Dong Ha Bridge, 1972

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