The Left merrily (and dishonestly) blames America for not joining the fight against Hitler in 1939, even though Britain and France didn't need America troops on the German border in 1939 and 1940. What they needed were tanks and above all airplanes . In any event, there were only 180,000 soldiers in the US Army in 1939 and they wouldn't have frightened anyone. As for tanks and airplanes? The US had only a few score tanks and these were under-armored and under-gunned, some mounting only machine guns. The British and French didn't need these and didn't bother asking.
What the British and French did need were airplanes. These the US could supply and the French ordered hundreds of P-36. P-40, P-39, and Martin and Douglas bombers from American factories. 1,000 had been delivered by the time the Germans attacked with another 500+ in the pipeline. The American P-36 fighters performed very well during the battle of France, but there just weren't enough of them (316). The p-40s and p-39s, which were more than a match for anything the Germans had could not be produced and delivered in time to fight in the Battle of France in 1940 and were diverted to the British and Russians.
Stick to facts and stop blaming America for everything that's gone wrong with the world. The French and British have nobody but themselves to blame for their failures in 1940. They weren't ready for war, but declared war anyway. Perhaps the French should have been more aggressive with their p-36 orders, but at least they recognized the need and made a significant effort to address it. The British were completely feckless. Their tank production was as bad as America's -- for the price of one useless battleship, never mind the colonial administration of India, they could have built enough tanks and aircraft to completely checkmate the Germans in 1940.
The real villain was the USSR. Something the Left likes to forget. The USSR had plenty of high quality tanks, but they allied with Hitler in 1939 to carve up Poland, and weren't going to lift a finger to help the French and British -- not before, during or after the Battle of France. Germany in 1940 was no match for the combined forces of Britain, France & the USSR ... but in 1940 the Stalin stood by, watched France fall and did nothing. Stalin would soon regret that and in June of 1941 he'd be the one begging for help.